Monday, November 24, 2008

News updates

Remember Megan Meier? The thirteen year old who killed herself after a "boy" she liked told her that the world would be better off without her? The one who was tormented by a "boy" who was really apparently a hoax made up by Lori Drew, mom of her on again off again friend? I will never understand what the hell Drew was thinking when she did that (NYT). Drew is on trial now in federal court for "conspiracy and three counts of accessing a computer without authorization via interstate commerce to obtain information to inflict emotional distress." If convicted on all counts, she could wind up sentenced to as many as 20 years. That seems very unlikely. Frankly, as despicable as I find the woman and her actions (she apparently knew full well how vulnerable Meier was as she had doled out the girl's attention deficit and anti-depression medication to her), I think this is overreaching. I cannot imagine this standing up on appeal, and I think it's going to be really difficult for the jury to separate the child's suicide from the fraudulent computer use. Drew is not on trial for being liable for the suicide. She's on trial for basically cyber fraud. I wouldn't blame the jury for not being able to distinguish between the two, but if she's convicted, I can easily see it being overturned on appeal, but I guess we'll see. All that said, despicable woman and if she thought Meier was causing her daughter problems in school, imagine what it must be like for her now.

On a much happier note, remember Jade formerly known as Poeteray? She was the Korean girl who was adopted by the assface Dutch diplomat and his equally assface wife? The one who was adopted by the red alert asses as a four month old baby but somehow never adjusted to Dutch culture or food? The same little girl who wound up in the custody of the Hong Kong foster system when she was six because they abandoned her there because it just wasn't working out? The boils on the asshole of humanity were advised to do it, you understand (not really, no, I don't). The little girl who apparently spent so much time with her Dutch parents that she spoke Cantonese and English but no Dutch (and no Korean since she hadn't lived there since before she could talk)? The little girl who was without a nationality since somehow her loving parents never applied for Dutch citizenship and she was abandoned in a country not of her birth? Remember her? And how we were supposed to feel sorry for the Dutch couple since it was really all Jade's fault that they hadn't bonded with her? Lovely memories, right? Jade is now with what is to be hoped a real, forever family (JAD). She has been adopted by a Korean expat family living in Hong Kong, at least I think they're Korean since the paper is Korean. I hope and pray and wish for many good things for Jade, not least of which is that this forever family really is one.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Again with the half-assed apologies

Some moron on Fox News Channel who apparently also has a radio show apparently thought Heath Ledger's death was a really good time to make a bunch of inappropriate jokes. Oddly enough, people were offended and must have called or written in in enough numbers that the asshat was forced to apologize. I say forced because really?

He seems really sincere doesn't he? I'm sorry if you all are so poor humored that you didn't get how incredibly witty I am. Sorry about that. Poor you.

Ugh. Asshole.

Oh, and here's Keith Olbermann's awarding the guy with "Worst Person in the World" award:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Have you heard

About Raymond and Meta Poeteray, the Dutch couple who adopted a Korean baby girl eight years ago and having given it a college try have decided that Jade Poeteray is simply too difficult and have given her up in Hong Kong? Because Hong Kong and Korea are both in Asia, right (Time)? The hell is wrong with people?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Have you ever wondered

Why some people have such a difficult time with something as simple as an apology? I mean, seriously. It's three words, four syllables. I. Am. Sorry. And some people just can't get it out.

From Sweet Jesus I Hate Chris Matthews:

It's that whole, I'm so sorry that you all don't understand how deeply I care about stuff. Stuff that you all can't even begin to understand because you just care about words! Why, would I be so shallow as that? Bah.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I have never understood

Racism or sexism or all that junk. The mess with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is just appalling. Up until now, I, perhaps naively, have thought it rather nice that whatever else, race and sex weren't really being brought into the fray. Well, unless you're Tweety (I have no idea why Chris Matthews is called Tweety,but it seems weirdly fitting). So this latest nonsense? Not pleasing. Supposedly both are taking a step back from ugly rhetoric, but let's be real, shall we? This is politics. And things tend to get dirty. It would just be nice if the two final candidates didn't start off the race looking like they need a long time under a shower before even thinking of getting into a bath.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


For some reason, I am way better at left turns than right turns. I have no idea why, but when I make lefts? Perfect. Right turns? Not so much. I always seem to calculate the turn wrong somehow and while I have never hit anything, I always feel like I turned too soon. It's really kind of disconcerting. You'd think 15 years of driving would have fixed that, but nope.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A new love

Sweet Jesus I hate Chris Matthews

Thanks to Jill for the link. I had never realized what a ginormous ass Matthews is, but GG. His assishness is epic. It makes me really glad that my news habit doesn't extend to television.